mlreflect.xrrloader.parser package


mlreflect.xrrloader.parser.fioparser module

mlreflect.xrrloader.parser.specparser module

Module contents

class mlreflect.xrrloader.parser.FioParser(file_stem: str, theta_name: str = 'om', two_theta_name: str = 'tt')[source]

Bases: object

Parse data from .fio files and their corresponding detector image files within a folder

  • file_stem – The name of the experiment including the preceding folder structure. E.g. if you’re experiment name is 'my_data' and in the folder 'user/data/', the file stem would be 'user/data/my_data'. This will look for all scans in the folder 'user/data/' that begin with 'my_data'.

  • theta_name – Name of the counter that contains half the scattering angle (default: 'om').

  • two_theta_name – Name of the counter that contains the full scattering angle (default: 'tt').

extract_scan(scan_number: int) mlreflect.xrrloader.p08tools.P08ScanTools.Scan[source]

Extract the data of the entire image stack for the given scan into a Scan object.

property fio_path_list
property number_of_scans
parse_fio(scan_number: int) dict[source]

Extract the data of a given scan (including header) into a dictionary.

property scan_info
property scan_numbers
class mlreflect.xrrloader.parser.SpecParser(file_path: str)[source]

Bases: object

Parse individual SPEC file scans on to Pandas DataFrames.

Args: file_path: File path of the SPEC file.


Extract scan of a given number into a table in the form of a Pandas DataFrame.

property number_of_scans
property scan_info